Highly Effective Leaders: INFLUENCE

The Highly Effective Leaders are great Influencers

A leader is in the position to:

  • Change minds
  • Create Shifts
  • Drive results

GREAT Leaders influence, not by โ€œDOING MOREโ€. They do so by BECOMING MORE.

Have you been working hard to establish yourself as a true leader?

  • You have done your SELF-work
  • You have mastered your understanding of the business you are in
  • You have mastered your process

Now standing on the mountain top as the great leader that you are wondering: โ€œwhat is next?โ€And astutely aware that you are far from the โ€œsummitโ€ and in no time the competition will catch up with you.

You will not be able to stand on the top of this mountain alone too long.

High- Performing Leaders are those who grow continuously and consistently over an extended period, without standing still any longer than it is required for contemplation on HOW TO MASTER the PROCESS for the NEXT LEVEL SPURT.

For this Classification of a leader, it is not enough to be motivated by Goals, they are INSPIRED by a sense of PURPOSE beyond their own personal gain.

Being a HIGH Performing Leader is much like being an Olympic Athlete. Beyond the Technical Performance, which is paramount to scoring high, it is the ability to readjust their internal states to match their newfound challenges & levels of success that makes them formidable.

You are probably curious, how does one move from being a great leader to a HIGH-PERFORMING Leader?

They have done “THE WORK”


Here are the 10 attributes HIGH-Performing Leaders demonstrate with tenacity:
  1. They master the ability to Manage their own energy, Mentally-Physically-Emotionally. They Generate energy and Transfer energy in every situation
    • Maintain a healthy body weight, Physical agility and stamina through healthy Nutrition and regular exercise
    • Create Emotional Agility with self-develop
    • They exude energy and vitality, through their speech and posture
    • They know how to self-manage and have bad moments, never โ€œbad Daysโ€
    • They have great empathy and ability to transfer positive energy in any situation


  1. They master the ART of Influence through stellar communication skills moving beyond the old and outdated feedback loops
    • They Inspire through their great skills in listening, affirming, praising and asking the right questions, with GRACE and Empathy


  1. They ROLE MODEL the values the aspire to in steal in their community and teams
    • They are driven by an INTERNAL-SCORECARD and are Congruent


  1. They have the Astute ability to LEARN from people around them no matter whom
    • They are Inclusive, open and have a HIGH Self-Esteem


  1. They Play the LONG-GAME driven by a CLEAR Mission rather than incremental goals
    • They are Fueled by INSPIRATION and a sense of Purpose which goes beyond the day-to-day success and failures and far less in need of motivation from their surroundings


  1. They have GREAT People skills, are TRANSFORMATIONAL rather than Critical
    • They Pick the right people for the right job according to their skillsets and abilities.
    • They EMPOWER and inspire others to step up to their true potential instead of shooting from the hip with excessive corrections


  1. They have the distinct ability to ZOOM-IN-AND-OUT with AGILITY and EASE
    • They adapt to the circumstances and understand that rigidity is much like cancer to productivity
    • They have a HIGH level of Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Resilience and handle difficult conversations with high effectivity


  1. They SELF-ASSESS on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly basis and know the POWER of understanding their own Psychology so they can understand that of others
    • The are CONSCIOUS and conscientious, understanding that they are never done learning, growing, and adjusting for High-Performance


  1. They have mastered the ART of COUNTER-BALANCING for amplified Productivity and outstanding results
    • They Know how to set priorities rather than working off a TO-DO list and understand that priorities change according to the task at hand. They know how to shift their attention between the FOUR quadrates of life: Professional, Personal, Interrelation and Time- Money Freedom.

Beyond the exponential professional gains, HIGH Performing Leaders have a greater level of Joy, are happier people and enjoy Life as it unfolds.

High Performing Leaders are the most sought-after leaders and rightfully so. Because they rise to the TOP and take everyone with them for the ride.

Are you ready to GROW into one?
There is no better time than NOW.

To Find out more about the Alexander Methodยฎ Leadership Development Coaching click here: Leadership Development Coaching – The Alexander Method (alexandermtd.com)

Resources: HPA (High Performance Adademy), IMD business school, Harvard Business school, The Economist, Psychology Today


High-Performance is all about working smarter, not harder.

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