This may or may not be applicable this time round, yet we must know what to do incase of a lockdown. As a wellness expert and a life coach, it is my responsibility to educate the public on facts about this pandemic we are dealing with caused by this chain of Corona Virus. Although this Virus is NOT DEADLY, it will cause great risk to those with compromised immune systems as well as our “long-time graying-public” our beloved senior citizens. In Europe & all around the world, the numbers of Unhealthy people is staggering & that is why (much like any other flu virus) COVID-19 will take lives.
Our mission at this point must be to avoid a greater Wildfire overwhelming our medical systems, economy & therefor our world & maintaining our Wellness. A Lockdown may still be a potential & you must know what to do if that day comes.
How to maintain your health from a welness point of view
From a WELLNESS point of View, here is a list of what you NEED to maintain your health:
Support your immune & prevent deficiency of certain necessary vitamins & minerals incase of a limited nutritional options:
Fresh produce & protein replacement
Non inflammatory grain & replacement
Antiviral foods
Healthy fats
Food alternativ
Frozen food
Non inflammatory grain & replacement
These are a some life basics which will always serve well to have at your disposaL