Behavior Change, replacing an undesirable habit with a better one or simply learning a new skill requires time & effort. When we talk about “change” of Behavior we generally think of a particular “DOING”~ ACTIVITY.
Certain activities are naturally required for goal accomplishment, such as having a daily planner for someone who wants to be more organized and time efficient. Or the case of the individual who wants to lose stubborn body fat & create the body that is aesthetically pleasing or healthier through healthy eating & exercise
Yet, if activities were enough for achieving these & all other transformations; there wouldn’t be so many people looking for some secret tool to break through their bad habits & FINALLY shift the scale on their progress-setback equation.
What most self-help books don’t talk about & coaches don’t emphasize enough are the practices of “BEING” which truly crack the code to self-transformation & mastery.
To discover what your SELF-Image is in relation to a certain goal or desire:
With a great dose of self-reflection & honest-brave self appraisal, YOU CAN MAKE ANY TRANSITION Happen. Watch the Youtube video on this topic: Behavior Change pt.3: Building Habits – YouTube
I will take your Good & turn it into Extraordinary at a speed which will make most heads spin